January 2013
The Tang Soo Do Shim Sa Process
23/01/13 09:58
Inherent in most traditional martial arts or karate styles, Tang Soo Do included, is the procedure for testing for promotion or advancement in rank. The importance of this traditional procedure for the development of the student of Tang Soo Do cannot be overstated. For the typical student enrolled in Traditional Tang Soo Do the entire testing procedure can be fun, troubling, frustrating and invigorating. One thing for sure is that it is a culmination of training effort. It is apparent what is involved in the Tang Soo Do testing procedure. Learn the required curriculum and when the opportunity presents itself, the student of Tang Soo Do displays their requirements in front of a testing panel and receives a grade and hopefully a promotion. The goal is set. Make a quality showing and receive the promotion. However, we need to take a detailed look at what is involved in the entire process in order to understand the importance of testing for advancement in traditional martial arts. Read More...