South Hills Karate Academy

South Hills Karate Academy

The Tang Soo Do Shim Sa Process

Inherent in most traditional martial arts or karate styles, Tang Soo Do included, is the procedure for testing for promotion or advancement in rank. The importance of this traditional procedure for the development of the student of Tang Soo Do cannot be overstated. For the typical student enrolled in Traditional Tang Soo Do the entire testing procedure can be fun, troubling, frustrating and invigorating. One thing for sure is that it is a culmination of training effort. It is apparent what is involved in the Tang Soo Do testing procedure. Learn the required curriculum and when the opportunity presents itself, the student of Tang Soo Do displays their requirements in front of a testing panel and receives a grade and hopefully a promotion. The goal is set. Make a quality showing and receive the promotion. However, we need to take a detailed look at what is involved in the entire process in order to understand the importance of testing for advancement in traditional martial arts.
As we know the end goal, how does a student of Tang Soo Do achieve that goal? Yes, as we know through practice. But what is involved in this practice? It includes detailed training of technique at a heightened level along with feedback from the students instructor and other senior students. The desire to do well should motivate the student to undergo diligent practice. As the preparation is taking place, the student should be receiving constant correction, advice and constructive criticism. The student of Tang Soo Do then needs to figure out how to implement these corrections through their training. Some days the training goes well and at other times the student may face some difficulties such as an injury, illness or another set-back. However, one needs to persevere with the determination of reaching the end goal. All through the training and preparation process the student needs to balance their thoughts and emotions which may contain stress and worry over success or failure.
The day comes for testing and the student has to finish the task alone. No one can do it for them, because it is the individual student who steps up and is judged. The testing student must control their emotions in order to be successful. After testing is over the student either feels relief and happiness for a job well done or an emptiness which may allude to the fact that the student could have done more to prepare and could have done better!
When we look at this entire process, how is this any different than preparing for a tough business meeting (adults) or preparing for an upcoming school exam? Do you see any relation to giving a speech to room packed full with coworkers or preparing for the SAT exam or a spelling test? You bet! Goal setting, preparation, hard work, diligence, perseverance, determination, mental and emotional control are all involved in every aspect of human life no matter what occupation or lifestyle a person has. No matter what occupation a person has, at some point they will have to step up to the line and be judged whether it is a job, as a spouse, as a student or as a parent. Life involves stepping up to be judged as does testing for rank promotion in most systems of martial arts. Putting yourself out front to be judged is an essential part of Tang Soo Do practice as in life.
Both adults and children grow in different aspects. However, both grow by having new life experiences. In order to grow a person must put themselves in uncomfortable situations at times and then learn from that situation. The person needs to work on the negatives and then try again. Once the experiences are learned and when that situation is faced again it is no longer uncomfortable! The person has just evolved into someone better than they were before because of the experience.
This is what testing for promotion in Tang Soo Do affords us! It creates a situation that may be stressful, but that stressful situation has rules and is in a controlled environment. It allows us to create a dynamic that helps to direct the path to personal growth and development. The further a student advances in Tang Soo Do the more they see that this growth is an essential aspect of life. One of the biggest enemies we can face in our lives is settling for average and constant growth requires us to test ourselves and to see how we respond. Testing for advancement in Tang Soo Do creates a fantastic opportunity to get experience for life in goal setting, preparation, determination, perseverance, taking criticism and self-reliance. It is a controlled medium for growth in every aspect of life.